With much of traditional media struggling to keep pace with the lifestyles of today’s families, internet marketing has been gaining share over the past few years. Many early adopters began by experimenting with this form of media marketing, but continued to put most of their dollars in traditional media. One could see the balance changing, though slowly. The recent economic downturn may have accelerated the process when many struggling companies began looking for less costly ways to deliver their message.
Internet marketing is certain to increase in share as we transition through and era where technology advances are drastically affecting the way we communicate, dragging even the most (previously) reluctant into the mix. A key factor to consider is that we are in a transitory state. Many are searching for answers and even more are delivering mixed messages as to THE answer.
We believe the right approach is to move cautiously and to get second and possibly third opinions before deciding how to allocate your advertising dollars. Often the best approach includes a mix of traditional media, social media, and search marketing strategies. In the emerging world of internet marketing there is one thing for sure–Every marketing opportunity is unique and should be researched thoroughly before decisions are made.