An All-New Zeus TV
A few months ago, we pulled Zeus TV out of moth balls and breathed new life into a concept that had been placed on the back burner to make room for our growing golf marketing program. We spun off the golf marketing business into a new company called iNetGolf and suddenly realized the Zeus TV concept was as current and relative as it was nearly 10 years ago…maybe even more so now.
The Concept
Zeus TV came to life back in 2008 when we realized that more and more folks were searching before buying. I know…it is a basic action in our lives today, and I’m not sure how we survived before google, how about you? We had (what we thought was) a grand idea to create online video marketing listings for everything one could do in Myrtle Beach (because that’s where we live). We took the idea to the streets and were met with all kinds of push back. Folks were actually doubting that “digital” was headed in the direction we were describing. People actually thought the internet revolution could be a passing fad. If you dig deep enough, you can probably find some blogs and articles we wrote in frustration back then.
The Inspiration To Renew
One morning a gentleman came into my office and asked if we could help sell his home by using the internet. This gentleman was 79 years old and had been trying to sell his house for nearly 3 years without a single offer. I laughed and told him about Zeus TV and the great plans we had for it…back in the day. Because of him, we rejuvenated our idea, and created a real estate video listing of his his home. The home sold in less than 6 weeks and he actually had several back-up, full-price offers. Needles to say he was delighted. He saved a lot of money by not having to pay real estate commissions, too. We’re not suggesting the for sale by owner process it the right idea for everyone, but it worked great here.
The Secret To Success
The secret to this success came in the details. The house was over-built according to many. Our client had purposely added many hurricane-proof features (because we live on the coast) that very few homes have. As one might guess, those features created additional costs and a selling price that was higher than similar homes, in similar neighborhoods, built using standard construction. I told my client that I was sure he was not the only person living in, or considering moving to, our area with those concerns. We had to find prospective buyers with the same concerns. We did! Several of them! Search marketing is a wonderful thing, especially when it is backed up with great video! We know a thing or tow about that here at Zeus Digital. Click HERE to see the listing.
Video Marketing
Video marketing is stronger than ever and Zeus TV may have been just a little ahead of the curve back in 2008. Either that…or we just gave up too soon. Shame on me for that. But, we’re back and we’re currently adding new listings. We just added two new real estate listings for condos for sale in north myrtle beach based on the success we have with the aforementioned sale. We can do this for any product or service and create results. If you would like to have a free consultation about your business and how digital marketing can make a difference, contact us HERE.