Got Questions? We Have Answers!
Q. Why should I have a website when I have gotten by for years without one? A. We understand the reluctance by some to accept a change in the way we do business. But, searching (the internet) prior to shopping, dining, vacationing, and most other actions has become the norm for most buyers. There is a premium on time and budgets are tight for families. Searching the internet saves time and money…and if you’re not there, your competitors (who have a web presence) will gain your prospective customers. Q. I’ve had my website for several years. Why should I even consider redesigning it? A. Website technology is changing rapidly. The platforms used in the past are not (in most cases) as effective as newer platforms. We recommend a quarterly review of your site relative to its traffic and an upgrade / redesign every 2 to 3 years for aesthetics and efficiency. Q. Do I need a mobile website? A. In short…yes. Search from mobile devices is increasing daily. Your site needs to be mobile responsive for viewing by mobile (and other smart ) devices. Please refer to this article about Mobile Websites the subject before making any decisions relative to becoming mobile ready. Q. Why is my business not showing up in google searches. I have a website! A. Being found on the web begins with your website. But, ultimately there is much more strategy required to optimize your site for searches. The right keywords and search terms and competition for the same keywords and search terms has everything to do with being found. The best way to manage your optimization is through fresh, relative content on your site. We recommend to our clients they prepare themselves to become self-sufficient when it comes to understanding their site traffic and its optimization. Having someone in your organization to do this is just as important as having someone to answer the phone. Q. In addition to website optimization, how can I improve or supplement my websites ability to attract traffic to my business? A. The answer to this question varies with each business type and its specific circumstances. A good place (for some, not all businesses) is to create and manage a social media strategy. There are a variety of other paid forms of web marketing such as google AdWords and certain other pay-per-click methods. Banner placement on higher traffic sites that cater to your clientele is often effective way to generate interest. We would prefer to do a thorough analysis of your business before making solid recommendations here. Q. Do you have a recommendation for a website platform for my new business? A. There are several great options available. We prefer WordPress because it fits our client strategy…which is to teach / help them to become self-sufficient in their website and internet marketing endeavors. WP is very user friendly and non-coders can manage and keep it fresh with ease. Q. I’m confused about all that is required to own a website. Can you give me a “simplified” explanation. A. We hear this a lot. Here are the basics. 1.First you will need a domain which is your website address. There is considerable thought required here. We will refer you to this “How To Choose a Domain” article for the details. You can purchase and host your domain at a growing number of sources. We use GoDaddy because the domains are priced fairly and GoDaddy is very webmaster friendly. 2. Next you will need a hosting account for your website. Again there are many options, but an interview with the prospective host is a good idea. For example…if you are using WordPress, you will want to choose a host that supports WordPress and its updates. 3. Then, you will need a website. After it is complete, the webmaster will point your domain to your web host account to make your site live. 4. Just as important as the first 3 items is keeping your site fresh with content relative to your product, cause, or message. These are common question we’ve received from our clients. If you have a question about your situation, leave it for us on our CONTACT FORM by CLICKING HERE.